Arizona State University Professor Angeles Maldonado gave her class a choice last week: Take the final exam in her “Global Politics of Human Rights” class, or come up with a group project in its stead.
As just about any college class would do, they opted for the latter.
And … what better “project” to undertake than a protest of President Trump’s policies!
“The class decided that as a group project they wanted to make their voices heard about the issues that are affecting them today, so instead of just reading about the human-rights violations, they’d speak out about the current violations that are happening,” Maldonado said, according to The Arizona Republic.
The “rigor” of this project entailed students standing shoulder-to-shoulder near the ASU library and holding up letters which formed the phrase “Wall Against Hate!”
“This was something that we all got together and said we would express some of the things we don’t like, so a lot of the other people here are protesting things like immigration, immigration ban, women’s rights, things like that,” said Alex Corella, 22, a student in Maldonado’s class who participated.
The group and those who joined them drew attention to a variety of issues, including LGBT rights, women’s rights, Black Lives Matter, immigration, and even the prison system. …
At one point, Arizona State University personnel asked the group to relocate in order to stop blocking the sidewalk. Protesters then stood in a staggered line, with about a foot between each person, instead of standing shoulder to shoulder. Campus police then were called to the scene, as the protesters changed from holding signs to linking arms, walking back and fourth in front of the grassy area of Hayden Lawn.
Passers-by had some difficulties finding their way around the linked demonstrators, so ASU’s campus police stepped in to give a second warning, this time directly to Maldonado. The chain of people then progressed onto Hayden Lawn to avoid any other warning and the protest continued without incident.
Many of the protesters eventually dispersed, either running to class or to another engagement, except for Maldonado’s class who remained on Hayden Lawn. Corella was glad to be there with his fellow students and said, “This is better than a final.”
“Better than a final.” Gee, ‘ya think, Mr. Corella?
Professor Maldonado said she felt it was her “duty” to support the students’ group project decision.
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