Articles by Dave Huber
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Higher Ed Bubble Political Correctness Racial issues U. Minnesota School of Architecture unveils plan for ‘racial and spatial justice’
'Design has the power to transform our spatial conditions and help end inequalities.'
Activism Politics Racial issues Anonymous account highlights alleged racism at PSU, student government mandates bias trainings
Petition also created listing the usual race-based demands.
Analysis Opinion Racial issues Former NYC Dept. of Ed. official details lunacy of anti-racism trainings
One trainer admits the goal is to create 'a new world.'
Higher Ed Bubble Political Correctness Texas college eliminates ‘Tipi Village’ from homecoming because it could be ‘misperceived’
Based on a single concern or complaint?
Higher Ed Bubble Political Correctness Racial issues Michigan State considers eliminating James Madison’s name from dorm
In order to advance 'racial equity.'
Opinion Political Correctness Racial issues Clear-thinking educators: Beware of ‘trainers’ bearing racial gifts
Request a personal day when 'race consultants' are scheduled to speak.