Articles by Dave Huber
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Political Correctness Racial issues White Privilege James Madison U. faculty book club encourages ‘allyship’ with people of color
So very powerful and compelling.
Analysis Racial issues Possible hoax: Racial slur targets Native American student at U. Wisconsin-Eau Claire
Rare epithet was used by the victim twice in her own past writings.
Activism Climate Change K-12 Education Teacher quits profession because students are in jeopardy from climate change
Wants classrooms used for 'political action.'
Free Speech Political Correctness Racial issues Colorado State U. president proposes ways to fight racism in wake of students’ blackface photo
So far, school stands firm on culprits' First Amendment protections.
K-12 Education Political Correctness Teacher: A student stole my car and received no discipline from the school, cops
School: 'Can't deny the student’s right to an education.'