Articles by Dave Huber
You are viewing page 56 of 415
Higher Ed Bubble Political Correctness University of Pennsylvania does away with dean’s list recognitions
A 'reduction of emphasis on grades.'
Activism Free Speech Political Correctness More than 600 Washington and Lee students, faculty sign petition against Matt Walsh appearance
Professor: Walsh is 'extremely dangerous' and 'represents a very real threat of physical violence' to trans people.
Analysis Free Speech Politics Professor: Stanford Law students were right to scream and yell at federal judge
Because 'something existential was at stake.'
Analysis Political Correctness Sports Uncomfortable fact: There will NEVER be full equity between men and women in sports
Does this REALLY have to be said?
Analysis Bias Free Speech Student paper editors refuse to print opposing views by labeling what they don’t like as ‘bigoted’
The future of journalism remains worrisome.