Articles by Dave Huber
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Activism Racial issues Southwestern U. Black Student Union makes demands after racist graffiti incident
But no official word on any suspects, investigation.
DEI Racial issues White Privilege Dartmouth outdoor club speakers: White supremacy, domination ‘obstruct access to nature’
At conference hosted by the club's 'Diversity, Inclusion, Justice & Equity' division.
Crime Opinion Racial issues Indiana U. gender studies professor blames university, town for anti-Asian attack
Do not 'assign individual blame' to the assailant.
Healthcare Higher Ed Bubble Political Correctness Professor on not wearing a mask in 2023: still ‘racist, ableist and classist’
Once said 'everything *is* about race, whether you want to admit it/not.'
Analysis Political Correctness Racial issues Professor makes case against sensitivity trainings after student of color ordered to take them
Such discipline ignores the REAL racism prevalent in our society, she says.
Analysis Healthcare Racial issues Harvard ‘Decolonizing Black Health’ conference looks to ‘shift away’ from Western medicine
Alternatives look at 'social, cultural, environmental, maybe even spiritual factors.'