Articles by Dave Huber
You are viewing page 79 of 415
Opinion Political Correctness Racial issues UVA student paper demands removal of all things Thomas Jefferson
Uses fifth anniversary of 'Unite the Right' rally to pan school's founder.
Analysis Political Correctness Racial issues Latina Harvard professor denied tenure demands academic ‘revolution’
The now-race, colonialism and diaspora scholar describes 'abusive eight-year relationship.'
Abortion/Pro-life K-12 Education Opinion America’s teachers allegedly hysterical about covering Roe v. Wade reversal
Some teachers were in tears saying ‘I know what I should do, but I don’t know if I can do it.'
Analysis K-12 Education Politics Professor: Texas school choice measure passed because GOP voters aren’t very bright
'Don’t know how to read the convoluted language ...'
Analysis Political Correctness White Privilege VIDEO: Psychology professor mocks students reluctant to admit their ‘privilege’
Courtesy of a 'privileged to be mid-fat but not big-fat' person.
Analysis Political Correctness Racial issues Crime rate is up, but Stanford public safety board ‘fiercely focused’ on equity
'We’re not quite sure what the community wants from us at this point in time ... '