Articles by Dave Huber
You are viewing page 80 of 415
Analysis Politics Harvard study: Trump supporters participated in Jan. 6 because … they supported Trump
What would we do without studies?
Analysis Political Correctness Racial issues Professor worries Marvel’s ‘Atlantis’ will use cultural appropriation, colonial racism
Don't DARE imply Atlantis is responsible for the achievements of the Maya!
Analysis K-12 Education Opinion Former teacher challenges notion that homework provides no benefit to students
Whatever happened to 'practice, practice, practice'?
Analysis Political Correctness Racial issues Study: ‘Racialized’ dog names result in longer waits for adoption
Not to mention breeds 'stereotyped as dangerous and racialized as Black.'
Curriculum K-12 Education Opinion Educators are distressed about Florida’s push for ‘patriotic’ education
Which means they're either progressive ideologues ... or incompetent.
Abortion/Pro-life Analysis Politics Penn student paper: Roe v. Wade reversal a ‘gut punch’ to campus community
'America is going back to medieval times.'