Articles by Greg Piper
You are viewing page 45 of 442
Anti-Semitism Politics Racial issues Pressured to resign, Pomona student official says she didn’t endorse anti-Semitic screed in post she shared
Curiously worded apology dances around whether she saw the inflammatory language at the bottom before sending.
Free Speech Legal Racial issues Public university president retracts statement that ‘hate speech’ is punishable ‘by law’ – sort of
'We understood that we were making a moral statement' - except he referred to legal punishment.
Activism Political Correctness Racial issues University removes ‘Freedom’ from ID cards after petition says the word harms black students
Spokesperson says card redesign was already in the works, but doesn't explain delay in telling students.
Healthcare Higher Ed Bubble Legal Public university promises no refunds if it closes student housing again in the name of COVID protection
'Paying more for less and less of your college experience just doesn't make sense.'
Politics Racial issues White Privilege College students favor all-white, elderly Democratic presidential ticket: poll
Democratic students support elderly white ticket even more strongly.
Free Speech Political Correctness Racial issues Woke scolds outraged as UChicago professor cleared of wrongdoing for criticizing ‘defund the police’
He did not engage in 'discriminatory conduct on the basis of race in a University classroom.'