Articles by College Fix Staff
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K-12 Education Political Correctness White Privilege High school begins all staff meetings with ‘commitment to dismantling whiteness’
'We commit to dismantling policies and processes that benefit whiteness and other systems of privilege'
Political Correctness Racial issues Library apologizes for using ‘thin blue line’ image to promote Northwestern police reform event
Commits to furthering its commitment to anti-racism.
Higher Ed Bubble K-12 Education Politics Georgetown professor takes heat after mocking parental involvement in schoolkids’ education
Georgetown political science professor Don Moynihan has drawn the ire of parents after a tweet this week in which he mocked parental involvement in kids' education.
Abortion/Pro-life Activism Free Speech University of Tennessee students want free-speech limits placed on pro-life group
‘Traumatizing’ to see scientifically accurate photos of abortion.