Articles by College Fix Staff
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Higher Ed Bubble Political Correctness Racial issues University: Charles Darwin a ‘racist’ because theory of evolution ‘justifies white male superiority’
Except the renowned scientist was a fervent opponent of slavery, calling its abolition a 'sacred cause'
Healthcare Higher Ed Bubble Politics UMass-Amherst freshmen suspended for not wearing masks outside and off-campus
Lose $16,000 in tuition each and all academic credits for the semester
Higher Ed Bubble Racial issues White Privilege U. Wisconsin-Milwaukee workshop helps participants to ‘confront whiteness’
Whiteness can be saying 'blue lives matter' as much as 'black lives matter'
Activism Higher Ed Bubble Racial issues DePaul U. condemned for ‘toxic environment’ that threatens ‘scholars of color’
Demand letter uses quote from Al Sharpton to help make its point