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FIRE cites SFPA news story on free speech concerns over campus sexual assault bill

Wendy Murphy, a member of the advisory board of Security On Campus, provided the following quotes for an SFPA news story about the Campus saVE Act:

“It is not remotely offensive to free speech principles to mandate attendance at certain educational programs related to the prevention of civil rights violations,” she wrote.

She noted that students could choose to attend universities that do not accept federal funds and are therefore exempt from complying with the bill.

“If they want to practice FREE-ER speech, they can choose to go to a different school where such rules are not in place,” she wrote.

Robert Shibley of the Foundation for Individual Rights in Education responds:

To FIRE’s knowledge, there are only two traditional (by which I mean not online-only) colleges in the entire country that do not receive any federal funds. Those are Hillsdale College in Michigan and Grove City College in Pennsylvania. All other four- and two-year institutions are subject to OCR’s regulations, making Murphy’s (perhaps intentionally flip) answer really no answer at all for the hundreds of thousands of students who enter college each year in the United States.

Suffice it to say that Murphy will have to try harder to rationalize the free speech and due process problems presented by the federal government’s recent efforts.

UPDATE: Wendy Murphy is a member of the advisory board of Security On Campus, rather than the governing board. This post has been updated to make that clear.

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