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Kansas Republican Students Furious Over Prof Who Threatened Kids

College Republicans at Kansas University and across the state say they’re disgusted and furious over comments made by David Guth, a journalism professor who recently tweeted the National Rifle Association members’ children should be the next victims of a mass shooting.

It’s a perfect example, they added, of how radical leftist professors stifle open debate on campus and intimidate conservative students.

“His statements were completely uncalled for, beyond disrespectful, and above all sick that he would wish those things upon anyone,” 21-year-old junior Taylor Schettler, president of the KU College Republicans, told The College Fix.

The Kansas Federation of College Republicans also released a statement condemning Professor Guth’s tweets, noting his actions limited civil discussions on campus and were morally reprehensible.

“In short, Professor Guth’s words – calling for the deaths of children – were nothing less than abhorrent and morally appalling…,” the statement read. “Unfortunately this is another example of liberal bias and influence on our campuses.”

“Institutions of higher education should provide an opportunity for all to engage in a respectful, civilized debate.”

The recent Navy Yard shooting in Washington D.C. on Sept. 16 has gripped the nation, as 12 people were killed and eight others wounded.

Guth blamed the NRA, tweeting:

“#NavyYardShooting The blood is on the hands of the #NRA. Next time, let it be YOUR sons and daughters. Shame on you. May God damn you.”

Guth has been placed on paid administrative leave by campus administrators, who denounced the professor’s comments.

“In order to prevent disruptions to the learning environment for students, the School of Journalism and the university, I have directed Provost Jeffrey Vitter to place Associate Professor Guth on indefinite administrative leave pending a review of the entire situation,” KU’s chancellor, Bernadette Gray-Little, stated.

Caleb Hays, 23, chairman of Kansas Federation of College Republicans and a graduate student at the University of Kansas, told The College Fix he’s outraged by Guth’s vitriol.

“I was immediately disgusted. Here was a professor from my university calling for the deaths of children,” Hays said. “It was absolutely unbelievable.”

Hays added this was not the first time Prof. Guth’s comments have sparked controversy. Hays pointed to an article published in the Lawrence-Journal World that described Professor Guth’s troubled history at Kansas University.

“In 2010, Guth was censured for engaging ‘in unprofessional, threatening, and abusive behavior towards another faculty member,’ according to KU, although the school did not divulge the details of the incident,” the newspaper reports. “Censure is the third-most severe punishment a faculty member can receive, behind suspension and dismissal, and requires approval by the university chancellor as outlined in the university’s faculty rights code.”

In addition to College Republicans in Kansas voicing concerns, leading conservative lawmakers in the state have called for Guth to be fired.

“As long as Professor Guth remains employed by the University of Kansas I will no longer recommend the university as an institution worthy of attendance by any of my students nor, as a state senator, will I support any budget proposals or recommendations for the University of Kansas,” Republican state Sen. Greg Smith said in a statement.

Several other Republican state legislators issued statements calling for KU to fire Guth, the Daily Caller reported.

Schettler said KU College Republicans may bring in a speaker to balance Guth’s extremism.

“There is a possibility that we will bring in a speaker to discuss gun ownership rights,” she said.

Fix contributor Aslinn Scott is a student at CU Boulder.

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