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Morgan State prof defends Antifa, likens police to white supremacists

Appearing this past Saturday on MSNBC (as he often does), Morgan State University’s Jason Johnson defended the violence of the radical group Antifa, and compared police officers to white nationalists.

The “fresh, unflappable, [and] objective”(!!) Global Journalism and Communications professor who “is known for his ability to break down stories with wit and candor” (all according to his website) at first recalled the events following the killing of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri four years ago, saying a “sort of militarized police attacked peaceful protesters”:

“I’ve been to, unfortunately, too many places in this country over the last couple of years that have been victims of white nationalist attacks — either individually like the young man, Richard Collins, who was killed at University of Maryland College Park … or Ferguson […]”

Of course, there is no evidence that Darren Wilson, the officer who fatally shot Brown (and was found not culpable of any wrongdoing), is a white nationalist/supremacist.

As reported by Newsbusters, Johnson went on to suggest Charlottesville, Virginia gets more attention because the victim of white nationalist violence there was white:

And I must admit, at least in the time that I’ve been here, the level of self-reflection that I’ve seen in this community is much better than I’ve seen in a lot of other places. They seem legitimately concerned here about not having these problems continue. Maybe it’s because it was white nationalists — maybe it’s because of the race of the vicim [sic] — but either way, it seems like Charlottesville is making some changes.

More from the story:

MSNBC host David Gura did not ask what he meant by seeming to count police officers as if they were part of the white nationalist movement.

A couple of days later, on MSNBC Live with Stephanie Ruhle, the show took the time to discuss reports of left-wing protesters attacking journalists and harassing police officers over the weekend, leading Johnson to rationalize Antifa hostility to police officers:

“There were a lot of activists who were, like: ‘Why are you in riot gear? We don’t see no riot here.’ There is a belief — I’m not saying it’s always correct — but there is a belief by many activists, including Antifa, that the police tacitly support this kind of violence.”

When host Ruhle injected to ask if they believe police “are there to protect white nationalists,” Johnson continued:

“When you look at how the police respond to white nationalists as opposed to Black Lives Matter protesters, yes, you do […]

“Look, I never like the idea of journalists getting attacked, but no one has a reason to believe — even when you look at how the police responded last year — when you look at the fact that they shut down the Metro in D.C. to let these guys go in, people have reason to doubt the police’s dedication to eradicating racism.”

Professor Johnson is one of those academics who “finds” racism in everything and anything; two years ago he opined that the movie “The Secret Life of Pets” was used as “an allegory of black pain and suffering to further a storyline about white folks getting what they want.”

A year later, the prof ripped Marvel Entertainment for its supposed lack of diversity in the latest Spider-Man reboot film even though the races of three significant characters in Peter Parker’s circle of friends were changed:

“It’s nice that Spider-Man comes home to a nongentrified neighborhood, but the movie goes out of its way to let you know that white guys are still running things,” he said.

He went on to complain that Marvel blew it by not going the full diversity route — using the company’s (alternate universe) Spider-Man who is part black, part Hispanic.

Read the full Newsbusters article.

MORE: Anti-police books part of high school’s summer reading list

MORE: Students suspended for shutting down pro-police speech

IMAGE: Denis Film/Shutterstock.com

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About the Author
Associate Editor
Dave has been writing about education, politics, and entertainment for over 20 years, including a stint at the popular media bias site Newsbusters. He is a retired educator with over 25 years of service and is a member of the National Association of Scholars. Dave holds undergraduate and graduate degrees from the University of Delaware.