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New Poll: Majority Favors Legalizing Marijuana

For the first time, a Gallup poll reveals that a solid majority of Americans favor legalizing recreational use of marijuana. Adam O’Neal (The College Fix’s 2013 fall fellow in Washington D.C.) reports for Real Clear Politics:

For the first time, “a clear majority” of Americans — 58 percent — support legalizing marijuana for recreational use, according to a new Gallup poll. Thirty-nine percent disagree; only 3 percent of respondents were unsure.

The recent surge in support has been primarily fueled by shifting attitudes among independent voters, 62 percent of whom favor legalization, up from 50 percent a year ago.

Partisans’ opinions, which have largely remained fixed over the past year, widely diverge. Only 35 percent of Republicans agree with legalizing marijuana, as opposed to 65 percent of Democrats.

Although younger Americans are still more likely to back the change, previous disparities between generations are disappearing. Only Americans aged 65 and older oppose legalization as a group, while every other age category supports it. Millennials are most enthusiastic, with more than two-thirds in favor.

Read the full story here.

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