There’s been quite a few critiques of teachers of late (including from yours truly), but looking at it from the other side of the coin this time, if there’s just one thing teachers despise, it’s dealing with a crybully.
Crybullies are just that — they bully others relentlessly, but when finally called on it (verbally or physically) they resort to bawling like an innocent newborn.
They typically are the offspring of parents who’ve never said the word “no” to them, or, if they have, look the other way when their kids outright ignore them.
And these parents are the ones who are quickest to complain about a teacher or administrator who had the temerity to discipline their child for misbehavior. “That’s not the story my child told me!” is a common refrain. After all, why would their child lie to them? Children and adolescents never lie!
Earlier this week a video made the rounds on Twitter which shows an alleged 10-year-old crybully harassing the hell out of a man who allegedly was trying to call the kid’s mother about his behavior.
The crybully begins by standing in the gent’s way (reportedly the park manager) in a “let’s fight” manner in what seems to be an attempt to thwart the man’s call. When the man is finished the call, the little punk begins pushing the manager in an effort to halt his forward progress.
When that doesn’t work, the punk resorts to physical violence — punching the man in his side. The man eventually reacts — by grabbing the kid by the neck and tossing him to the ground.
In crybully fashion, the punk begins wailing “HE HIT ME!!” complete with plenty of faux bawling.
According to a report, the foul-mouthed youth and a friend allegedly were wreaking all sorts of havoc, “terrorizing other kids at the park, at a splash pad and in the playground for several hours.” In addition, the person filming the whole scene allegedly was a victim of the punk and his pal; they had cut into his path while he was driving and then pelted his car with rocks after being “told off.”
The driver informed the park manager, who then told the punk and his friend to leave the park. After cursing the manager out, they appeared to comply … but then “threw down their bikes, and came back for more.” Here’s what followed:
Full Video For Context: pic.twitter.com/GbFDkT1WJQ
— Fight Haven (@FightHaven) January 23, 2023
Note the punk immediately gets back up when he has more of an audience and begins his pre-thrown-to-the-ground antics, cursing at a woman with numerous F-bombs and invoking “child abuse.”
MORE: No consequences for student misbehavior leads to classroom turmoil
Police eventually arrived and asked the manager if he wanted to press charges. He declined.
Here’s why this little hellion is the way he is: His mother reportedly arrived to “apologize” for her son’s behavior, but later took to social media with a truncated video clip of only the park manager tossing her son to the ground. She also included the manager’s name and address.
This begs the question what sort of behavior this little thug displays at school — and what his teachers can do about it.
Although most school districts have some sort of “don’t touch a student” policy, that doesn’t mean teachers have to sit/stand there and take what a kid like this dishes out. And if an administrator tells a teacher he/she does have to take it, that teacher look for another school pronto.
This kid’s future may entail something like this or this, hanging with similarly raised youth who never heard the word “no” and whose whims were catered to 24-7 by their parents (who were probably mesmerized by the latest progressive fad du jour).
Fortunately, since I’m 6’3″ 195 lbs, out-of-control students in my class thought twice (or more) about doing to me what the crybully in this video did to the park manager. But what about a much smaller guy … or a 4’10” female teacher? They certainly don’t have to stand there letting a kid continually push them … and then punch them, especially in a day and age when even elementary schoolers might be armed with some type of weapon.
If the crybully in the video thinks really really hard about this experience, then in the long run the park manager may, just may, have saved him from a world of hurt much worse than what he experienced here.
MORE: Teacher shortage? Then allow teachers to discipline students again
IMAGE: Shutterstock.com
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