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‘Racists go home!’ protest confronts U. Texas (anti)-affirmative action bake sale

It’s been done before at colleges across the country: An “affirmative action” bake sale where the prices of items are based on race and/or gender. Typically Asians pay the highest price, followed by whites, Hispanics, blacks, etc. etc.

Late last week at the University of Texas, the Young Conservatives of Texas held such a sale, and the results were predictable.

Chants of “racists go home!” greeted the group, The Daily Texan reports, as some 300 protesters “gathered to push out” the YCT event.

Maranda Burkhalter, president of the Black Student Alliance, chastised black YCT member Dewayne Perry, saying he acts “as if he represents the black community.” Perry had dared to criticize affirmative action.

The Rev. Donald Parish Jr., who had brought middle and high school students to UT for a visit, confronted Perry about his views:

“To have an African-American support that lunacy, I felt like that was just ridiculous and I felt like I needed to correct that. I think they did it to get the crowd that they got. They wanted to get attention.”

From the article:

Prices for baked goods were sold based on the race and gender of the purchaser, and lower prices were allocated to black and hispanic students, while Native American students were offered the sale items for free. Asian students were asked to pay the highest prices, followed by white students.

“We’re here to talk about how students should be judged on their merit and their scholarship rather than their race and gender when it comes to college admissions,” said YCT communications director Allison Peregory, a government senior. …

Undeclared sophomore Kyle Chunda, a YCT member, argued that while affirmative action was useful in the past, it’s unnecessary now.

MORE: Affirmative action director says people who oppose PC culture suffer from ‘fragility’

“The bake sale angered a lot of people, obviously, but I feel like it’s dehumanizing to set different standards for different people,” Chunda said.

The last bake sale protesting affirmative action was held by YCT in 2013 and led to national outcry against the organization. Peregory said the organization brought back the bake sale because members believed affirmative action was an important topic to talk about for the University.

Student Government President Kevin Helgren arrived to the bake sale, which he referred to as racist, soon after the protest grew around noon and urged students to move the discussion to the Union ballroom, but the group stayed near the table to continue discussion.

Because nothing says “let’s continue the discussion” like referring to one side as “racists,” eh Mr. President?

UT vice president for diversity and community engagement Gregory J. Vincent criticized the bake sale, noting that “while West Mall is a space of free speech, the actions of the organization were still unwarranted”:

“Focusing our attention on the provocative nature of the YCT’s actions ignores a much more important issue: they create an environment of exclusion and disrespect among our students, faculty and staff.”

He added (invoking a Hillaryism toward the YCT), “Although it is their right to do so, it is deplorable that a few students took advantage of this open forum to direct negative sentiment toward their peers.”

Read the full article.

MORE: Prof: Muslim profiling more likely because SCOTUS upheld college affirmative action

MORE: Texas A&M sees 114% growth in diversity without affirmative action

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Associate Editor
Dave has been writing about education, politics, and entertainment for over 20 years, including a stint at the popular media bias site Newsbusters. He is a retired educator with over 25 years of service and is a member of the National Association of Scholars. Dave holds undergraduate and graduate degrees from the University of Delaware.