A principal at a St. Paul, Minnesota elementary school has decided — because diversity and inclusiveness!! — that there will be no more celebration of “dominant holidays” on campus.
“My personal feeling is we need to find a way to honor and engage in holidays that are inclusive of our student population,” Bruce Vento Elementary School’s Scott Masini wrote in a letter.
Vento’s population is “overwhelmingly nonwhite,” and Masini said his decision will stand “until we can come to a better understanding of how the dominant view will suppress someone else’s view.”
Uh huh.
The letter listed the holidays that the East Side school will no longer celebrate as Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas and Valentine’s Day. Masini said the decision was made in consultation with his staff.
“One of the concerns that I have,” Masini wrote, “ … is whether or not this practice is encroaching on the educational opportunities of others and threatening the culture of tolerance and respect for all.”
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“Because Saint Paul Public Schools is a diverse district that is filled with families from around the world we strive to respect all cultures and all students. We recognize that not every student celebrates or participates in some or all holidays. We have a board policy that discourages programs and festivities that celebrate observances unless they are required by law,” a statement from St. Paul schools later Thursday said.
The statement included comments from Masini: “I’m struggling with this and I don’t know what the right answer is. But, what I do know is celebrating some holidays and not others is not inclusive of all of the students we serve.”
Masini appears to be a true acolyte of the Pacific Educational Group’s (PEG) “training” methods which, among other things, “peddle the notion that a white supremacist America is hopelessly stacked against minorities.”
Last May, Masini had held a teacher “training” session where he displayed a picture of a KKK hood. According to EAGNews.org, Masini asked the assembled staff to “sit in silence and reflect on it for 3 to 4 minutes.”
RELATED: Thanksgiving is a ‘White Supremicist Holiday,’ says professor
“The hope was that by doing the activity … that we could change any practices at our school that were unfair to students. I also thought we were ready to take this deep dive into a difficult conversation on race, white privilege, and practices that don’t serve all students,” the principal noted in an email.
Ah yes, those “difficult” conversations about race that the PEG peddles (actually called “Courageous Conversations”). They’re so “difficult” that they always seem to go in one direction.
St. Paul’s schools have come under scrutiny of late due to complaints of out-of-control student behavior with teachers powerless to control it.
h/t to EAGNews.org
RELATED: School replaces MLK Day holiday with seminars on racial identity, privilege, Islamophobia
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