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Stick-in-the-mud progressive parents ruin school ice skating party — because Trump

Hatred for our new president is cause enough even to prevent school kids from having fun.

Because the president’s company had renovated New York’s Central Park Wollman Ice Rink back in 1986 after “the city had fumbled the job” for years — and as such, now bears his name — that was just too much to take for some kids’ parents at the elite Dalton School.

According to the New York Post, enough Dalton parents refused to allow their children to attend an ice skating party at the rink, and hence it had to be cancelled.

The president of the Dalton Parents Association (DPA) refused to comment on the matter; however, one parent said “I think it is completely insane.

“Like him or not, it feels like a strange place for New Yorkers to protest. And sad that kids now have no skating party.”

The Upper East Side Patch reports that a letter DPA sent home to parents noted “it will re-examine the event for future years and determine whether to finding a new venue for ‘Dalton on Ice’ in the future.”

“In past years, this gathering has been an evening which has been community building, safe and fun where all community members desiring to attend, can do so,” the parents association letter read.

In order to make up for the canceled “Dalton on Ice” event, the parents association said they are planning an alternative springtime event that will feature “family programming and performances for our community.”

EAGNews.org points to a Post op-ed from three weeks ago detailing how Mr. Trump’s intervention in the rink’s renovation made him “a hero” in the opinion of many New Yorkers:

The Wollman Rink, opened in 1949, was a beloved Manhattan postcard icon. It appeared in countless movies, including “Love Story.” But it was falling apart, and then-Mayor Ed Koch closed it in 1980.

The city promised to reopen it by 1985. But Koch’s incompetent commissioners and contractors let the job run $12 million over its original $4.7 million budget, and by 1986, the finish line was nowhere in sight. …

In June 1986, Trump brashly offered to reopen the rink before Christmas. “If [Mayor Ed] Koch doesn’t like this offer,” Trump said, “then let him have the same people who have built it for the last six years do it for the next six years.”

Koch held his nose and gave Trump the keys. Trump got the ice rink reopened to the public on Nov. 1. Maybe any able construction company could have done the same. But Trump’s success was a tonic to a crime-torn, crumbling city that needed some good news. It showed how private enterprise could handily whip government bureaucracy.

The Dalton School was founded in 1919 by “the renowned progressive educator Helen Parkhurst” and currently costs $44,640 per year.

Ms. Parkhurst had limits to her progressivism, however. On its website, the school had to utilize a footnote concerning her improper use of pronouns!

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Associate Editor
Dave has been writing about education, politics, and entertainment for over 20 years, including a stint at the popular media bias site Newsbusters. He is a retired educator with over 25 years of service and is a member of the National Association of Scholars. Dave holds undergraduate and graduate degrees from the University of Delaware.