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More ‘Trump-inspired’ hate crime hoaxes pop up on campus

At Massachusetts’ Williams College, two students admitted to trashing the school’s Griffin Hall with a “red wood-stain substance resembling blood” and spelled out “AMKKK KILL.”

The Williams Record reports that the duo did it “to bring attention to the potential impact of the presidential election on campus.”

Isn’t that nice.

Williams President Adam Falk did not immediately inform the campus upon learning of the incident, saying “[p]olice determined that the vandalism, while abhorrent, did not create an immediate danger, nor did it constitute a specific threat toward any individuals or groups.”

Once the investigation identified the two responsible, Falk noted in a follow-up email that the culprits’ use of “’AMKKK’ was an alternative spelling of America used to reference racism in American society.”

“Their actions did much more than damage property; they harmed our entire community and caused considerable fear, among students in particular,” Falk said. “We are deeply distressed that anyone in our community would feel compelled to express themselves in such a destructive and harmful way.”

The Record says the two will face disciplinary action, but doesn’t specify what.

MORE: Activists continue to back SUNY-Albany hate crime hoaxers

Over at Bowling Green State University, a student has admitted to making up a story that three white guys clad in “Trump” shirts called her a racial slur and then threw rocks at her.

According to ABC-13 (with h/t to EAGNews.org), Eleesha Long took to Facebook to describe what had happened to her, but she never contacted law enforcement:

A BGSU officer took Long to the police station where she gave a statement.

However, throughout the investigation she changed her story multiple times.

Lt. Dan Mancuso with the BG Police Division said, “several times the complainant changed her story about what happened, where it happened, and when it happened.”

Lt. Mancuso said they obtained a search warrant for her Facebook and Verizon history. Turned out, she wasn’t where she said she was Lt. Mancuso added.

“Based on that information, it proved that she was not in the location that of when she said it occurred,” Lt. Mancuso told 13abc.

Her text messages allegedly reveal her real motivation may have been frustration with friends and family who were Trump supporters. …

The police reports are laced with racist remarks against Trump supporters that she sent to her boyfriend and mother. According to reports, she used words like, “this is why you should take an IQ test to vote,” “I hope they all get AIDS,” “I haven’t met a decent Trump supporter yet.”

Ms. Long was charged with falsification and obstructing official business. She told ABC-13 that she will fight the charges.

Read the full Williams Record and ABC-13 stories.

MORE: Anti-Latino message at Elon U. turns out to be a hoax … by a Latino student

MORE: Hoax pays off? Harvard committee officially recommends changing its seal

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Associate Editor
Dave has been writing about education, politics, and entertainment for over 20 years, including a stint at the popular media bias site Newsbusters. He is a retired educator with over 25 years of service and is a member of the National Association of Scholars. Dave holds undergraduate and graduate degrees from the University of Delaware.