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Trump supporters berated, attacked while handing out literature at U. Pittsburgh

A Donald Trump literature station set up outside of the University of Pittsburgh’s Hillman Library became yet another target of social justice warrior wrath.

This past week, Trump volunteer Matt Kerlin and a Pitt student Kirk Breiner were “distributing stickers, koozies, and literature” to students going to and from class, but it didn’t take very long for an all-too typical perpetually aggrieved type to take action against them.

“Surely enough,” The Pitt Maverick reports, “Kerlin and fellow tabling participants were met with remarks by students such as ‘f*uck the white male patriarchy!’ and ‘I can’t believe you guys are actually people.’ Shortly following, students began to behave aggressively.”

“A student came up to us and made a claim about how Trump wants to get rid of ‘his people,’” Breiner said.

But harsh language wasn’t all they had to deal with:

Kerlin and Breiner were approached and harassed by a man claiming that the table was supporting a “racist” candidate. The man grabbed a stack of door-hanger literature and attempted to run off with them, but Kerlin relinquished the literature unharmed after being stopped a few feet away, though not before the perpetrator nearly initiated a fight with him.

“We responded by telling him that that’s absolutely ridiculous, and then he got agitated and grabbed a stack of literature from our table and ran off with it,” Breiner said.

According to Kerlin and Briener, at approximately 2pm, actions escalated. Two students approached the table, one of them sweeping all the literature to the ground and the other proceeding to flip it before fleeing the scene. Steven Evanovich, a Sophomore at Pitt, captured a video of the student and then proceeded to contact campus police, who are investigating the incident.

Evanovich added: Calling Trump’s rhetoric ‘hate speech’ actually reinforces and encourages the notion that violence against conservative or dissenting students is justified, and my own campus shouldn’t be a place where my friends or I are fearful for having opposing opinions.”

Read the full Pitt Maverick article.

h/t to EAGNews.org

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MORE: Rutgers student wears Trump hat around campus, exposes intolerant progressives

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Associate Editor
Dave has been writing about education, politics, and entertainment for over 20 years, including a stint at the popular media bias site Newsbusters. He is a retired educator with over 25 years of service and is a member of the National Association of Scholars. Dave holds undergraduate and graduate degrees from the University of Delaware.