Get sexual pleasure without risk of pregnancy via … homosexuality!
A St. Cloud State University “male accountability campaign” dubbed “Ejaculate Responsibly” claims all unwanted pregnancies are the result of “cis men’s irresponsible ejaculation.”
Women, it says — those historically “with the least power in society” — get most of the blame due to “misogyny and oppression.”
According to Alpha News, the campaign, the brainchild of the school’s Women’s Center, was “inspired” by the book “Ejaculate Responsibly: A Whole New Way to Think About Abortion” by Gabrielle Blair.
“Men mostly run our government. Men mostly make the laws… if men were actually interested in reducing abortion, it didn’t need to take fifty years [after the fall of Roe v. Wade],” a campaign handout reads.
“All men had to do was ejaculate responsibly. They chose not to. Today, they continue to choose not to.”
(The handout and posters point out their use “binary language” — “men” and “women” — is only utilized for the “purpose of conciseness.”)
The handout claims our culture puts “the burden of all sexual and reproductive responsibility on women,” but this is an example of “male privilege” and “sexism”: “While men have the most control and choice in the context of sex, it is women’s choices and bodies are endlessly critiqued, controlled, punished, and shamed.”
It also notes “men have the most control and choice in the context of sex by”:
• Causing pregnancy—a woman cannot get pregnant without a viable sperm
• Choosing where they deposit their sperm
• External/ “male” condoms are usually free, accessible, and have no side effects. Internal/ “female” condoms are hard to find and rarely free.
• Vasectomies are low-cost, low-risk, reversible, and one-time effective procedures that only take a few minutes. Vasectomies are often covered by insurance.
• Birth control for women is often not free or accessible, requires multiple follow-up appointments and ongoing monitoring, and has many dangerous physical and mental health-related side effects. Emergency contraception is also expensive, usually $30-50 per pill.
A campaign poster apparently sums it up: “Women’s ovulation is involuntary. Men’s ejaculation is voluntary.”
To avoid the pitfalls of pregnancy, the campaign recommends alternate methods of “sexual pleasure” such as masturbation, sex toys, and/or “only having sex with people who are unable to cause pregnancy” (aka another woman).
MORE: Public university workshop teaches students how to have an orgasm
IMAGE: St. Cloud State Women’s Center/Facebook
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