A student transfers from Ohio State to The King’s College, and reports back the difference between the two institutions could not be more stark.
MANHATTAN – It is a place nestled away deep in New York’s Financial District, just steps from Wall Street’s iconic landmarks.
A place where an individual’s worth is determined by an adherence to excellence and not an adherence to a particular political belief.
A place where students are encouraged to examine their own views, without being handed an acceptable view for them to follow.
A place where students are encouraged to follow their passions in humble servitude to their fellow man, and God if they so choose.
I am speaking of The King’s College, New York, a place aside from Ohio State University, where I was enrolled from fall 2011 until last May.
I transferred to The King’s College after two years at Ohio State upon the realization that my education could go no further as a student in Columbus.
I have come to discover in just two short months there could not possibly be a starker contrast between an adherence to worth being determined by act and worth being determined by adherence to liberalism’s hyperbolic absurdities.
At King’s, we open class with prayer (which no student is forced to participate in), whether it is within a Foundations of Politics class or an Introduction to the Old Testament. We hold the American flag to be an ideal upon which our country was founded, not a political statement which moral relativists believe may be burned by those so inclined. We believe in the notion of servitude to all. And we do all of this with the goal of preparation for the business world we will soon enter into.
The results speak for themselves.
As a student at Ohio State University, I was perpetually exposed to the belief that the Left is right, and the Right should be left behind, as though our professors were espousing from the pulpit within the church of American Liberalism at the expense of all students’ collective education.
At Ohio State, each student’s abilities were determined by whether they could regurgitate liberal myths (such as the Glass-Steagall Act having been repealed by President Bush and not President Clinton).
Each day, Ohio State rises again to pre-class discussions, which are synonymous with mocking the conservative values America was founded upon and any belief in the Constitution. The simple notion of what is right and just, which we here at The King’s College examine each day (not just for each individual but for each man, woman and child), Ohio State students rarely find outside of their own student groups.
Having taken part in the founding of one such club (OSU’s Free Enterprise Society), I can attest to the fact that these right-of-center organizations are formed in reaction to that which they are exposed to within classes, as a means of Free Speech and the necessity of furthering their collegiate education, all of this due to the liberal bias they are expected to regurgitate for midterms and finals.
At The King’s College, we begin each day with the notion that each of our passions is a purpose given to each of us (by God if we so believe, as many of us do), which when combined with an education and our individual talents is preparation, which allows us to be the manner of citizen Ohio State’s motto proclaims – and at one time must have been the standard – “Education for Citizenship.”
Each day, we are asked only one thing at King’s, we are asked to believe in American Exceptionalism, in the humblest sense possible, to have care for our fellow man and the disadvantaged, and never to lose sight of the fact that what we do can never bring fulfillment if it is done out of greed or ill will.
This simple adherence to notions of honor and dignity is not a one-way street. Each faculty member is expected to adhere to the same honor code that each student signs at the beginning of their first year on campus; a notion which is beyond the reach of all but the few shining stars of tenured professors at Ohio State.
At King’s, students are not asked to submit to the assertion that our current president is more intelligent than all but the select few of us, nor that we are more intelligent than our previous president, with the conservative Christians being the exception.
The difference is, simply stated, a tale of two universities, one consumed by the worst of our time, the other by the best of our time.
It is the difference between an education where faith is not persecuted and the free market of ideas is cherished and one where it is not.
There could not possibly be a starker contrast within our modern higher education system than between what an education is meant to be and what an education consumed by propaganda becomes.
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IMAGE: Mark Brannan/Flickr

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