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American University trustee meets with Trump, SJWs promptly call for his resignation

Is this what we should now expect every time someone associated with a college does business with the new Trump administration — a demand for a resignation by the perpetually aggrieved class?

This is what happened after American University trustee Gary Cohn met with President-Elect Donald Trump last week.

Cohn, of the investment firm Goldman Sachs, is being considered for “a senior administration position,” according to AU’s The Eagle.

Once word of the meeting got out, a “massive” crowd featuring members of the AU’s Community Action and Social Justice Coalition got together to demand Cohn be ousted from his trustee position.

“We, the students of AU, will not let a man who endorses Donald Trump’s hateful agenda remain in a position of leadership at our University,” the event page’s description read.

From The Eagle:

About 25 students gathered outside the Mary Graydon Center on Wednesday, holding signs reading “Dump Trump” and “Fire Cohn.” After a speech from senior Moira Nolan and a brief confrontation with a Trump supporter, students walked to President Neil Kerwin’s office to deliver a letter expressing their concerns about Cohn’s association with Trump.

“Cohn’s meeting with Trump is in complete conflict of interest with the University’s mission to promote a more inclusive campus,” Nolan said in an interview.

Students were greeted outside of Kerwin’s office by Chief of Staff and Board Secretary David Taylor, who accepted the letter on behalf of the University. Taylor spoke with students for about 10 minutes and heard their comments about Cohn as well concerns about racist incidents on campus and the potential for a tuition increase.

Thankfully, not every American U. student shares the CASJC’s view:

“Junior Kenna Sloan wrote on the event page that Cohn’s support for a presidential candidate ‘does not merit, and should never merit, his resignation from this school.’

“They’re making it about the things that Trump has done, not what Cohn has done against people,” adding that if “[Cohn] isn’t directly harming them and he supports something they do not, I think this is the completely wrong way to go about it.”

Read the full article.

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About the Author
Associate Editor
Dave has been writing about education, politics, and entertainment for over 20 years, including a stint at the popular media bias site Newsbusters. He is a retired educator with over 25 years of service and is a member of the National Association of Scholars. Dave holds undergraduate and graduate degrees from the University of Delaware.