Articles by Dave Huber
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LGBTQ Political Correctness ‘Yoga studies’ prof makes students use gender pronouns on coursework under threat of penalty
'I will count this toward your grade when I check for your name each time I grade the blogs.'
Analysis Higher Ed Bubble Racial issues U. Arkansas prof: White people need to ‘reregulate’ themselves so they don’t commit violence
When whites are 'whole,' they don't go out 'lynching people'
Analysis Legal White Privilege Professor: Kyle Rittenhouse not really a ‘monster,’ just ‘hyped up on Fox News effect’
The teen also represents a white America afraid of 'equity'
Analysis Political Correctness Racial issues Educators’ group says English teachers need to be trained in ‘anti-racism’
Because of COURSE they do
Analysis Political Correctness Racial issues Stanford U. condemns Facebook ad which targeted ‘whiteness’ professor
'This shit is dangerous ... absolutely crazy shit.'
Abortion/Pro-life Activism Free Speech Saint Louis U. conservative student groups targeted by leftists in two recent incidents
What is in the water at SLU?