Articles by Dave Huber
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Analysis Political Correctness Racial issues Cornell U. virtual event keeps anti-Asian hate narrative alive
Let's blame 'historic oppression' and things like the Dewey Decimal System ...
Free Speech Legal Political Correctness Canadian professor suspended for ‘unkind’ blog posts, denying systemic racism
She also -- GASP! -- called Black Lives Matter a 'radical group'
K-12 Education Opinion Racial issues It doesn’t matter how nicely one sells it. Critical race theory is terrible.
Don't be intimidated. Challenge it at every turn.
Analysis LGBTQ Political Correctness Yale researcher gives new ant species a ‘non-binary’ scientific name
To honor a non-non-binary Andy Warhol protégé
Analysis Racial issues White Privilege White students on spring break is ‘colonial violence,’ campus journalist says
An example of what critical race theory can do to a person