Articles by Dave Huber
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Higher Ed Bubble Politics Racial issues Prof justifies killing of Trump supporter, claims GOP doesn’t care about COVID’s effects on minorities
U. Rhode Island must be very proud
Bias Politics Racial issues Harvard research director: Right-wing is using video to create narrative of ‘lawless rioting’
Don't believe your lyin' eyes ... ?
Activism Political Correctness Anti-cop U. Chicago activists allegedly target provost with anti-Asian graffiti
Remember: Asians aren't really minorities, and racism is OK when progressives engage in it
Activism Free Speech K-12 Education Assistant principal records self at BLM protest: ‘F*** the police!’ ‘They can f*** right off’
School district says it will deal with issue in a 'confidential manner'
Higher Ed Bubble Opinion Politics Yale prof goes full Godwin’s Law, gives delusional account of life in America
Trump's rise, actions, parallel that of the Nazis, yada yada yada ...
Activism Political Correctness Racial issues ‘Mobilized African Diaspora’ gives Columbia U. 48 hrs. to respond to race-based demands
University has been 'systemically failing Black folx on campus'