Articles by Dave Huber
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Activism Racial issues Princeton Black Leadership Coalition makes demands based on anonymous tales of racism
Equal outcomes? Group wants assurance that 'student performance can be maintained equally for all.'
Higher Ed Bubble Opinion Racial issues Professor: The ‘Alien’ and ‘Predator’ film franchises support anti-black racism
WATCH OUT: Another fun killer is on the loose.
Activism Political Correctness Racial issues Student petition demands removal of allegedly ‘anti-black’ U. Washington professors
Another demand: No hiring of professors with an 'identity intersecting with whiteness'
Analysis K-12 Education Racial issues Profs to white parents: Keep your kids in public schools to show you’re not racist
'White America owes Black students a large educational debt'
Curriculum K-12 Education Racial issues Elementary school ‘whiteness’ lesson: Sympathizing with police is ‘racist’
Outraged parent: 'The book teaches kids not only to defy parents but to hate themselves.'