Articles by Dave Huber
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Abortion/Pro-life Opinion Political Correctness Student paper gives forum to emotionless teen to recount her abortion
If this is the norm, God help us.
Climate Change Opinion Technology Modern ‘First Generation’ allegedly first to not be assured ‘tomorrow will be a better day’
Another of the pampered generation makes a case that he has it tough.
Analysis Healthcare Racial issues Academics claim racism, not facts, is responsible for COVID-19 travel bans
Racism 'disallowed the U.S. from recognizing Europe as a threat.'
Analysis Racial issues White Privilege Study: Men refusing to wear masks = ‘toxic masculinity’ and racism
What would we do without studies?
Free Speech Political Correctness Racial issues Sacramento State Black Student Union president: Fire professor for wife’s racist outburst
And the tried and true narrative: Tirade 'represents a larger issue of racism on campus.'