Articles by Dave Huber
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Analysis K-12 Education Racial issues Zero tolerance policies are bad … until something anti-minority is involved?
A major crime unit called in ... for someone saying the n-word.
Higher Ed Bubble Racial issues White Privilege U. Toronto researcher: Canada has an outdoor activities racial ‘adventure gap’
'There's a sense the outdoors is a white space, that people of colour don’t belong in that space.'
Analysis Racial issues White Privilege Music educator: Teaching Beethoven over Kendrick Lamar is white supremacy
Need to 're-orient [...] music education away from the preservation of whiteness.'
Activism K-12 Education Politics Obama’s education secretary: Boycott school until gun legislation is passed
'Because everything we’ve done before has been a failure,' he says.
Legal Political Correctness Politics Oh, VERY good: Law prof cites 14th Amendment regarding Trump ‘animals’ comment
Also: Says calling NRA 'terrorists' not as bad as calling MS-13 'animals.'