Articles by Dave Huber
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Activism Political Correctness Politics U. Wisconsin student group peeved at football team’s Orange Bowl lodging: a Trump hotel
Demands UW officials explain themselves given Trump's 'racism and human rights violations.'
Analysis K-12 Education Racial issues Surprise! Another big city school district burned by misguided discipline mandates
Policies that are 'too soft' = reduced academic achievement, increased truancy, pissed off teachers.
Feminism Opinion Political Correctness Hoo boy: There’s no ‘counternarrative’ for Santa Claus’s ‘cisnormative construction’
Also: Santa's elves are a 'signifier for sweatshops and the exploitation of globalisation.'
Anti-Semitism Religion ‘I is for Intifada’: Philly pre-schoolers treated to ‘Palestine ABC’ story time
Of course: Intifada analogous to Americans' resistance to President Trump.