Articles by Dave Huber
You are viewing page 245 of 418
Politics Racial issues White Privilege Black author tells U. Pennsylvania that Donald Trump is president because he’s white
Calls white people 'crazy' for voting for Trump.
Analysis Politics Technology Oxford study: Hillary Clinton would be president if fewer robots were in the workplace
Workers' concerns similar to those of 18th-19th century Luddites.
Anti-Semitism Political Correctness Racial issues University of Rochester students, staff hold ‘healing vigil’ for ‘marginalized’ students
How does one heal with no sanitary bins in men's restrooms?
Activism K-12 Education Opinion ‘Savage Inequalities’ author addresses Duke U. crowd, message hasn’t changed in decades
Teachers 'in the trenches' should be wary of Jonathan Kozol's message.
Curriculum K-12 Education Politics School assignment which identifies the KKK as ‘right wing’ angers parents
'To correlate the KKK ... to the [Republican] party ... that’s not factual.'
Analysis Racial issues White Privilege Emory University professor: whites inherently racist, men inherently sexist
Had written that the 'white gaze' is 'hegemonic' and contains 'poisonous assumptions' about blacks.