Articles by Dave Huber
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Higher Ed Bubble Political Correctness Racial issues Uh oh: Oregon State University town founder MAY have been pro-slavery
News comes amid more name change furor.
Curriculum Political Correctness Racial issues When teaching ‘social justice’ means creating an alternate reality
Of course it's laudable to be fair and balanced ... but you can't brush aside actual facts.
Free Speech Higher Ed Bubble Racial issues Drexel University students show support for ‘white genocide’ professor
'A university that doesn’t stand behind its professors doesn’t deserve to have professors.'
K-12 Education Political Correctness Toronto school district will remove ‘chief’ from job titles to avoid offending Indigenous people
No Indigenous folk asked for the change, but the district is being 'proactive.'
Free Speech Political Correctness Politics U. Minnesota snowflakes don’t like College Republicans’ mural, so they vandalize it
'Public espousal of Trump and his views' make those with 'marginalized identities feel unsafe.'
Activism Opinion Political Correctness Despite leftists and the academy, most Americans support Columbus Day
They also reject the judgment of historical figures based on modern standards.