Articles by Dave Huber
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Analysis Opinion Technology The REAL gender gap: Men lag in humanities, languages, graduate fields of study
Cue the women's groups: B-b-b-b-but ... what about STEM??
Activism Opinion Racial issues U. Michigan student ‘takes a knee’ for entire day to protest ‘all inequality’
Says it's a 'conversation starter' ... but demands university acknowledge his beefs as true.
Activism Political Correctness Racial issues Michigan State law students assume mantle of knowing what’s ‘best’ for Native Americans
As Thomas Sowell would say, another 'Vision of the Anointed.'
Activism Racial issues Amid racially charged atmosphere, Cornell Student Assembly engages in maximum virtue signaling
Lovely: 'We absolutely don’t need to [defend free speech].'
Legal Racial issues Southern Illinois University offers free tuition for info on person who wrote racist sticky note
Culprit could face felony charges.
Activism Racial issues New hoax? University of Michigan hit with two racist graffiti incidents in two days
Legit? Or one of those "conversation starters"?