Articles by Dave Huber
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K-12 Education Opinion Politics Another teacher, another ridiculous anti-Trump rant in front of a captive audience
'Obama was never very radical the way Trump is ... '
Political Correctness Racial issues Sports USC black student group: Mascot horse ‘Traveler’ is ‘white supremacy’ because … Robert E. Lee
It was also the name of the Confederate general's horse, you see.
Curriculum K-12 Education Racial issues Educators waste no time pushing social justice lessons in wake of Charlottesville violence
'Thomas Jefferson popularizes white supremacist ideology.'
Free Speech Opinion Racial issues Professors: Americans are too stupid to handle HBO series ‘Confederate’
'As we are far from having an educated base, this show would not work as conceived.'
Opinion White Privilege Psychology prof: ‘White male privilege’ to blame for jogger who pushed woman into path of bus
There's nothing for which it can't be blamed!