Articles by Dave Huber
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Free Speech Opinion Political Correctness Princeton op-ed says ‘hate speech’ not protected by 1st Amendment because it’s an ‘action’
Yet another way to justify radical political correctness.
Activism Racial issues UC-Santa Barbara student government condemns bar which had questioned students’ IDs
'It’s up to the person to decide if they felt something racist towards them.'
K-12 Education Political Correctness Racial issues NAACP supports case of black teacher critical of lax school discipline policies
Teacher claims was target of 'personnel investigations' after his complaints.
K-12 Education Opinion Religion Two religious controversies faced by school districts — one Christian, the other Muslim
Only one seems to bear the brunt of legal challenges.
Activism Political Correctness Politics Brown students protest Pepsi CEO’s honorary degree due to cultural appropriation, ties to Trump
How dare they complain about a successful woman of color!
Political Correctness White Privilege The new racial demand: White academics must keep their hands down when speaking
The lunacy at Evergreen State College rocks on.