Articles by Dave Huber
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Activism Political Correctness Racial issues Cal State-Fullerton group wants investigation of ‘hate speech’ Cinco de Mayo parody
Emergency resolution brought before the Academic Senate!
Free Speech Religion Muslim lawyer at U. Buffalo: Islamophobia is ‘manufactured’ by ‘hate profiteers’
He contradicts himself on the First Amendment, too.
K-12 Education Opinion Political Correctness Recent melee at Philly school was predictable … if teachers were listened to
Administrators indifferent to pleas for more discipline, many say.
Higher Ed Bubble Opinion Political Correctness ‘Intersectional’: UW Oshkosh lecturer discusses using the word ‘it’ as a gender pronoun
Can somebody please keep track of all this in a PC handbook?
K-12 Education LGBTQ Political Correctness Complaint: High school’s boys vs. girls spirit week activities unfair to ‘gender variants’
Student transgender supporter: 'What I saw was just repulsive, and it made me feel ill.'