Articles by Dave Huber
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Activism Free Speech Student guide ‘stands up’ for his beliefs by wearing ‘I [heart] Female Orgasm’ shirt on campus tour
Resigns after being questioned by school officials.
Political Correctness Racial issues White Privilege Do you suffer from ‘Eurobliviousness’? This Ithaca College prof’s course is for you
Will make you 'hyper aware' of white racism and privilege.
Racial issues White Privilege Get ready, Kansas City: Here comes the National White Privilege Conference
You have to be privileged to attend: Costs range from $230 to $400 for the whole kit and caboodle.
K-12 Education Legal Religion Complaint: Teacher made students remove Christian cross necklaces, called them ‘gang symbols’
Also engaged in gay activism during class time.
K-12 Education Legal Racial issues Feds launch sketchy racial ‘disparate impact’ investigation of Virginia school district
And the vicious circle of K-12 racial political correctness begins anew.