Articles by Dave Huber
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Political Correctness Racial issues White Privilege Student op-ed: Veganism a ‘white thing,’ not sympathetic to ‘victims of racism’
Nothing is safe in Social Justice Warrior World.
Activism Political Correctness Religion PC conundrum at Penn State: Animal rights activists vs. Hindu festival celebrants
White guys 'Hindu-splain' how to celebrate a holiday 'correctly.'
Curriculum Political Correctness Racial issues U. Florida prof: Discussing race makes students uncomfortable … so let’s force them
The 'instillation of racial respect and awareness.'
Opinion Political Correctness ‘Latinx’: More debate on the gender ‘exclusiveness’ of the Spanish language
An 'x' may be good for describing people, but it makes the lingo incomprehensible.
Anti-Semitism Curriculum K-12 Education High schoolers’ assignment: Present argument in favor of the Holocaust
'One student seemed OK with making a Nazi salute.'
Activism Climate Change Penn anti-fossil fuel group upset at administration’s ‘disrespect,’ indifference to its ‘sacrifices’
Fossil Free Penn allegedly cited by officials for refusal to leave building.