Articles by Dave Huber
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Curriculum U. Mississippi group ‘Students Against Social Injustice’ wants mandated diversity courses
How profound: 'I believe in an education that represents all people.'
Legal Political Correctness Racial issues Temple U. pulls out the stops to find culprit behind ‘hateful’ white pride stickers
Are the mere slogans 'White Lives Matter' and 'Defending Our Heritage' worthy of cop detective work?
Activism Feminism Racial issues Women’s March organizer: Participants did not show enough concern for people of color
Marchers weren't 'intersectional' enough, it seems.
Opinion Political Correctness Racial issues Student’s Spanish class video project ignites cries of racism, feelings of ‘victimization’
One student's hysterical reaction: 'Makes me wonder why I came to Tulane.'
Feminism LGBTQ Political Correctness Student op-ed: ‘Genitalia-centered rhetoric’ of women’s movement is biased to transgenders
'Intentionality and critical thinking' seem to be missing from well-intentioned white women.