Articles by Dave Huber
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Free Speech K-12 Education Legal Driver’s ed teacher fired for refusing to train student who won’t say Pledge of Allegiance
Teacher claims termination only option he was given.
Activism Free Speech Politics Swarthmore students upset they actually got in trouble for office sit-in protest
'I was really disappointed and confused.'
Feminism Opinion Politics ‘Women are being erased’ by the Trump administration: U. Pennsylvania professor
She's director of the -- surprise! -- Program on Gender, Sexuality and Women's Studies.
Political Correctness Racial issues White Privilege Privilege, marginalization on parade at NC State’s ‘Tunnel of Oppression’ event
'As citizens of humanity,' we have to recognize oppression ... and interrupt it.
Opinion Politics Religion Muslim U. Pennsylvania students ‘angered,’ ‘shocked’ at new airport electronics rules
One student is now 'more uncertain of her future at Penn as a Muslim.'