Articles by Dave Huber
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Activism Political Correctness Racial issues San Diego State U. Native American group wants school’s ‘Aztec’ mascot eliminated
Mascot 'embodies the existence of institutionalized racism.'
Activism Racial issues Black students at Andrews University issue set of demands, administration cowers dutifully
Ultimatum of one week to issue 'statement of apology' for its 'systemic racism.'
Free Speech Legal Political Correctness U. New Mexico student gov. allocates $10K for conservative speakers; liberals cheesed
Christina Hoff Sommers 'participates in rape culture'; Ben Shapiro 'promotes exclusivity.'
Bias Opinion Politics St. Joe’s student paper claims prof’s recorded anti-Trump rant was ‘heavily edited’
'New evidence reveals deceptive reports,' it says ... but doesn't elaborate.
Anti-Semitism Politics McGill University’s ‘punch a Zionist’ guy resigns from student government post
Faces possible removal from larger government body in March.