Articles by Dave Huber
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Opinion Politics Racial issues Student op-ed on age of Trump: We’re living in ‘occupied territory,’ continued Manifest Destiny
'Make America Great Again' appealed to those who felt their social status was under attack ...
K-12 Education Political Correctness Racial issues Minnesota high school band: We’re only buying music by composers of color
'There's a kind of an ideological segregation of who can and cannot be in band, based on who the composers are ...'
Activism Political Correctness U. Oregon ‘taking action’ to make sure its ads don’t appear on
Some alumni had threatened to stop donations.
K-12 Education Politics Stick-in-the-mud progressive parents ruin school ice skating party — because Trump
The very skating rink Trump saved back in the 1980s.
Activism Politics Apparently out of ideas, U. Cincinnati students protest general ‘state of the Nation’
'Take up space and force people to witness our experiences without creating room for debate or differing opinions.'
Greek Life Legal Political Correctness Yale group to demand sanctions against frats for not allowing women and ‘non-binaries’
But it has no position on sororities. Surprise, that.