Articles by Dave Huber
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Bias Political Correctness For diversity’s sake, Australian college offers scholarship to men … but females outraged
B-b-but ... to give a male-only scholarship 'is to continue male privilege!'
Activism Anti-Semitism Racial issues U. Michigan students protest due to school president not preventing ALL hateful acts on campus
Job requirement for modern college presidents: omniscience.
Activism Free Speech Opinion Student op-ed: If you criticize violent protests you endorse hate speech
'Letting Yiannopoulos speak [is] more terrifying to me than potential injury or arrest.'
K-12 Education Politics Middle school student assaulted on school bus for wearing ‘MAGA’ hat, gets suspended
Unfortunately, it is not uncommon for all parties involved in a fight on school property to get punished.
Political Correctness Politics Wheaton College to offer full scholarship to student refugee affected by Trump travel ban
Preference given to those from countries on the exec order's list.
Activism Free Speech Opinion UC Berkeley student editorial: Riots were ‘same freedom of speech’ Milo uses
Claims Milo fled to a 'safe space' during the chaos, and 'whined' to Fox News.