Articles by Dave Huber
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K-12 Education Legal Racial issues Fake hate strikes again: Black student sends threatening ‘KKK’ message to her school
The message read 'We’re planning to attack tomorrow.'
K-12 Education Opinion Award winning teacher in hot water for allowing son to film vulgar rap video in his class
'Don't EVER try to come at me for promoting my son's dream!!!'
Legal Political Correctness Politics Eight weeks after the fact, another pro-Trump, anti-Muslim hate crime claim bites the dust
She said the attackers stole her car ... when she merely had forgotten where she parked.
Activism K-12 Education Politics Rhode Island teacher to take 50 students to post-inauguration Trump protest
Objectivity? What objectivity??
Opinion Political Correctness Politics Marvel’s ‘Captain America’ parodies campus SJWs, but with company’s history fans can’t tell
It long ago surrendered to the whiny left.