Articles by Dave Huber
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Free Speech Legal Political Correctness Harvard Law grad: History of free speech ‘racist’ and ‘oppressive,’ concept needs a ‘second look’
Those who 'casually use' terms like 'free speech' are ignoring their 'prejudicial histories.'
Free Speech Opinion Student op-ed: US Constitution grants right to have tattoos, and people have to accept them
It's 'hypocritical to chastise anyone for their [tattoo] decisions.'
Activism Free Speech Political Correctness U. Minnesota president grovels before activists, but maintains defense of free speech for time being
Regrets 'weak wording' in campus email response.
Free Speech Racial issues Alleged ‘racially charged’ messages on U. Denver ‘free speech wall’ provoke student snowflakery
Don't write anything criticizing white guilt!
Curriculum Political Correctness Racial issues U. Michigan to assess students’ ‘cultural sensitivity levels’ as part of diversity/inclusion plan
Will target 'specific areas for cultural development.'
Activism Political Correctness Racial issues Anti-racism group still wants ‘racism awareness’ course, upset acts of racism called … ‘incidents’
Administration also accused of trying to 'dilute' proposed anti-racism course.