Articles by Dave Huber
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Activism Free Speech Racial issues Responding to ‘hate’ graffiti, Ohio U. students want diversity training, anti-‘hate’ speech measures
'Students need to take matters into their own hands.'
Free Speech Political Correctness Student complaint to ‘Hate Response Team’: Harry Potter mural represents ‘white, cis, man power’
Asst. director of campus climate: It's just about college kids 'finding their voice.'
Bias K-12 Education Politics Teachers disciplined for calling Trump-supporting students ‘racists,’ stomping on Old Glory in class
Where do educators get the impression such antics are acceptable?
Bias Politics Yale ‘Studies’ professors hold discussion about 2016 election, and it goes just as you’d expect
Trump 'thinks the golden age was before blacks had rights.'
Political Correctness Racial issues Yale drama company holds new auditions after complaints that race roles weren’t cast ‘correctly’
There's a reason it's called 'acting.'
Politics Religion Harvard Muslim students cheesed at selection of Myanmar’s Suu Kyi for humanitarian award
Her selection is 'really jarring.'