Articles by Dave Huber
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Political Correctness Politics Sports Student op-ed: Muslim athlete should have carried American flag in Rio — because Trump
She's faced 'xenophobia' during Donald Trump's campaign.
Free Speech Legal Racial issues ‘Debate’ over student First Amendment rights continues at University of Houston
Students argue about the 'morality' of removing student VP for tweeting 'AllLivesMatter'
Higher Ed Bubble Political Correctness U. Wisconsin-Stout to remove pics of Native Americans due to potential ‘harmful effects’ on students
Paintings 'stand in the way' of the goal of creating an 'inclusive environment.'
K-12 Education Opinion The new school year is coming: Four tips for parents regarding teacher relationships
Remember, your kid is a kid. Your kid's teacher is an adult.
Common Core K-12 Education Legal Deadline looms for public input re: US DoE punishing schools for standardized testing ‘opt-outs’
Automatic 'lowest performance level' label if schools don't get 95% of students to take tests.
K-12 Education Political Correctness Racial issues What happens when you impose a radical (and racial) agenda in schools: The public revolts
St. Paul, Minn. superintendent, board members ousted amid numerous controversial incidents.