Articles by Dave Huber
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Free Speech Legal Religion Victory: ‘Jesus Lunches’ to continue as school ceases attempts to shut them down
The Freedom From Religion Foundation remains miffed, however.
Curriculum Racial issues Must be racism: More than half of UNC academic dishonesty cases involve students of color
A 'disproportionate figure' compared to white students.
Feminism Legal Racial issues When your ideas suck, here’s what you do: Get an angry mob to conceal them
You're 'more than welcome' to get up and block the camera.
Activism Racial issues New video of Harvard race protesters interrupting Law School dean honored for … race relations
Repeat after me: 'Your school is racist!'
Activism Anti-Semitism San Diego State president forced to ‘apologize’ by anti-Israel mob for campus anti-BDS posters
Demand an apology, get it, then make fun of him upon departure. Classy.