Articles by Dave Huber
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Political Correctness Racial issues White Privilege Portland Community College’s ‘Whiteness History Month’ lets the silly, racial PC all hang out
A full 30 days devoted to regurgitating tired, old progressive jingoisms.
Activism Anti-Semitism Free Speech San Francisco State anti-Israel activists shout down talk by Jerusalem mayor
The Left remains petrified of the competition of ideas.
Activism Free Speech Politics Don’t offend anybody! Protesters at Harvard break school rules, campus cops do nothing
It seems feelings yet again trump speech ... and the college's own rules for protests.
Activism Free Speech White Privilege Harvard Law activist group: ‘Countless other — white — spaces’ on campus for free speech
'Supposedly neutral principles of free speech ... to protect white privilege'
Activism Free Speech Racial issues Harvard activists claim jurisdiction over building, tear down flyers critical of group
'Anything that violates anti-racist values has no place' in the hall.