Articles by Dave Huber
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Climate Change Legal Profs, scientists want feds to crack down on ‘conspiracy’ to ‘deceive’ public about climate change
Go after companies and organizations using RICO.
K-12 Education Racial issues Study: Minority teachers underrepresented in American schools, have higher ‘quit rate’
'This report is an indictment,' union head says.
Feminism Political Correctness Small inflatable female doll at college bookstore draws ire of social justice warriors
But the male version sold out a while back!
Political Correctness Racial issues Black student’s art project on segregation backfires, spurs outrage at SUNY Buffalo
One student called the project a 'hate crime' and an 'act of terrorism.'
Political Correctness Racial issues Yale students choose history, tradition over political correctness
But there is a racial difference of opinion.